Middle School Counselor » How Can I Help My Child Succeed?

How Can I Help My Child Succeed?

Student success at school is greatly influenced by their activities and environment outside of school. Parents and guardians, I appreciate your collaboration in making sure your student gets the most out of their school experience! The following are some ways you can help your child succeed at home and in school:

  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep at night. Help structure their bedtime and wake up time so it is consistent throughout the week. 
  • Limit the amount of time they spend on video games and electronics. This one is huge! Your child's developing brain and communication skills will thank you for it.
  • Limit and monitor your child's access to social media. Know what they are doing online and what means of social media they use.
  • Talk to them about the dangers of using drugs and alcohol.
  • Help your child make smart food choices. Healthy eating and consistent exercise is an important part of their physical and mental well-being.
  • Ask your child questions about what and how they are doing in school. Take an interest in their academics. 
  • Maintain an environment of open communication where your child can express their thoughts and feelings.
  • Validate their feelings and concerns. Children desire to feel heard and understood.
  • If you suspect your child is struggling with their mental health (depression, anxiety, etc.) or is suicidal, talk to them about it. Ask open-ended questions and don't' be afraid to seek outside professional help.
  • Don't be afraid to let your child fail! Growth happens when we don't succeed at first but keep trying. 
  • Take care of yourself! Self-care is essential when it comes to helping others.